When faced with this question one can’t help remembering the writing on the wall of the barn, in George Orwell’s classic fictional work, Animal farm.
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Now of course a great deal of progress has been made since 1945 when this story was written. We now exhibit both tolerance and understanding towards those of other backgrounds and faiths. We also now have gay rights (something which until 1967 were unacknowledged). And from These primary factors, (of which there are many more examples) we can see the progression made towards people’s freedom and equality within society.
One doctrine which focuses upon establishing the ‘total’ equality of people is Egalitarianism. Now this of course appears a very fair and noble idea. However could it ever be something to be desired? Is their not a point where ‘total’ equality could become problematic? It would appear that equality is to an extent possible and is of course a positive force within society. Although just as all great ideas and visions equality it would appear cannot be universalised. Is it not the case that sometimes you need a voice, or group of voices which is elevated above the rest, and aids us in our overall progression towards a common end?
Although I believe that great advances and achievements could be made in the pursuit of a state of total equality. I believe the goal of that equality is one which will always remain out of reach.
Equality is a dream. However it is a dream which possesses the ability to motivate the person and the society to progress, and so is a positive venture. This dream is expressed succinctly by Thomas Jefferson;
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