When in the pursuit of providing a fair and efficient learning environment for children you must first tackle the possibilities of deception. Teach the facts, as we know them to be, and teach the methods in which we gained those facts s that children may carry on the questioning and investigation of ideas. It appears to be crucial that in order to evade possible deceptions that the teaching of science and religion should be handled sensitively. Teach the scientific facts of the times but also speak of the doubts that are held and the contradictory theories that exist. ’Teach the controversy’ as some say.
This essay focuses upon summarizing the Creationism vs. Evolution argument which has continued for many decades, and seeks to evaluate the ideas held on each side, see how over time these have evolved and adapted, and (if possible) reach a conclusion as to how science and religion should be approached within our schools.
The teaching of evolution in public schools has long been a controversial subject, and one that has been targeted primarily by anti-evolutionists. Similar to how anti-creationists targeted schools which teach the biblical creation story as a scientific fact.
The arguments between evolutionists and creationists have taken place within multiple countries across the globe, and this has over decades evolved both into, and out of numerous phases. One issue that arises when discussing the subject of evolution vs. creationism is that each side has become quite difficult to define. The creationist side has taken many forms, from the simple biblical literalist approach to the more complex creation science that includes such ideas as ‘irreducible biological complexity’. Contrary to this, the demands of the evolutionists appear to have taken numerous forms. The fundamental demand for evolution to be taught as scientific fact has been at the forefront of the evolutionist’ vision, however due to the rise of ‘New Atheism’ the confidence of the movement has differed from a timid proposal to a demand for educational reform.
There is a long running debate within the Council of Europe primarily focusing on whether or not our schools should teach creationism in their science lessons, in particular alongside evolution.
Although numbers alone do not validate anything, you cannot help but award some merit to the incredible numbers of people who believe in creationism as it would be fair to assume that these people have though long and hard in regards to what they believe. And for people to still have faith means somewhere there must be something, just as some cannot bring themselves to believe in the religious ideas. There are many creationists who cannot bring themselves to believe in the scientific methods.
This is an issue within schools that has to be addressed and scrutinized in detail, as science lessons are reserved for what we see as factual information, and is also a place where the students are being taught what they are told is scientific fact.
We are seeing across the world a number of creationist schools which challenge the teaching of evolution and other scientific ideas as fact and, in place teach their own ideas in relation to the world, as they believe this to be a much more satisfying alternative. However this approach is one that lacks any fairness and is potentially damaging to students of science and religion. We do not merely have two sides that hold different opinions, but we have two sides that are to their extremes. This ‘all or nothing approach’ must be moved beyond if a constructive and fair system of education is to be created or even conceived of.
One argument originating in America, which is said to contradict the evolutionist’ theories, originated from the research of Michael Behe who believes that organisms are of Irreducible biological complexity (IBC), which is the idea that all living organisms can and will only function in one way if anything was mutated or missing it would fail to live and/or fulfill its purpose.
Now this directly contradicts the theory of evolution which suggests we evolved into what we are now in gradual steps over millions of years, but IBC suggests that this cannot be as the organism would not have lived to evolve as it would have to be as it is now to have been able to have evolved originally. Therefore the organism must have been created in its entirety, now this cannot be chance so (they conclude) there must be a creator. This was however soon (to an extent) disproved as they found that you can break down an organism and it can function effectively, so this is why the debate continues.
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